About Eunice

Hey There!  
I'm so excited you found me.
I'm Eunice Boerboom, and today I am so blessed to be thriving in my 40's, homeschooling my youngest son, living on a 10-acre acreage, and filling my heart, mind, and soul 
with the things I love most. 

I'm on a mission to provide a foundation of health and wellness for moms who feel debilitated, unloved, and barely able to function because of chronic illness and pain to break free by stopping the patterns of pain in their lives so they can create the life they desire.

If that sounds like you, keep reading!

What does thriving look like for you?

For me, this looks like time spent with family and friends, long walks with our dogs, reading, gardening and preserving food, creating nourishing and delicious meals, and thriving through living well naturally.

It has taken a bit to get there, and the path hasn't always been easy...

We have dreams and plans... and then life happens.

After high school, my dream was to become a veterinarian and work with animals. My involvement in 4-H and showing cattle drove that dream!  

Life happened and my dreams dropped by the wayside for many years as I started raising my children and suffered with debilitating migraines and chronic illness that made it near impossible to do the laundry and get meals on the table to the point that even bending over to pick something up felt like my head was going to explode. 

I found a solution with the help of a friend, and along with that over the last 4 years I've learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way to help create a foundation for wellness. 

The most important lesson that I learned is that no matter what I wanted to accomplish it all started with my own mindset

What you believe you will receive. 

                                                            - Gabrielle Bernstein
Every acute and chronic illness I've experienced I believe happened for a reason.  There was something that I was supposed to learn from it.  When I finally chose to start asking myself "what am I supposed to learn from this" instead of "what is wrong with me," the Holy Spirit showed me.  God is so faithful!  He brought people into my life to help guide me.  

I never liked the thought of taking medications, but my mom was an RN and I was brought up to do whatever the doctors told me, so for the first 40 years of my life I was caught up in a pattern of acute and chronic illness along with debilitating migraines that left me unable to work and struggling to even make meals for my family and do laundry.  

Finally, when I was 41 years old I found lasting healing naturally that supports my body and allows healing the way God intended. 

This has brought me, quite accidentally, to become a wellness advocate for moms - empowering them to conquer limiting beliefs about their ability to create what they desire most - better health and vitality, energy, financial freedom, healthy relationships - you name it.  The world really is "at your fingertips" - as they say!

I am helping moms to:
  • set up a solid foundation of health and wellness
  • discover what they truly desire for their lives
  • reveal what is causing the patterns of pain in their lives
  • create and execute a plan to step out of what is causing pain in their lives so they can build a life of vitality, freedom, and sucess like they've never dreamed possible! 

My vision for you is to become fearless, strong physically, mentally, and spiritually, and that you truly believe the best is yet to come...

that you can achieve the desires of your heart and find financial freedom as well.

All you need to start your journey, is the courage to take the first step!

Click the button below to schedule your complimentary 15-minute session with me to explore whether you would like to join my tribe of debilitated to liberated moms - fearlessly taking steps to make our dreams a reality!