Master Your Energy and Live the Life You Desire

Master Your Energy and Live the Life You Desire
Have you ever wondered why you feel drawn towards certain people, places, or situations? It's because everything in this universe is made of energy, and energy attracts like energy. Just like your physical body, your energetic or vibrational body needs attention and nourishment to function at its best. And as a mom, you have a lot of responsibilities and challenges that can drain your energy or trigger migraines. But you can change that by mastering your energy or frequency. In this blog post, I will share some practical tips and insights that can help you raise your vibration, release stuck energy, and attract more joy, health, and abundance.

Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions
Your thoughts and emotions are the primary drivers of your energy or frequency. If you are constantly worried, stressed, or negative, your energy will be low and scattered, making you vulnerable to physical and emotional imbalances. On the other hand, if you cultivate positive and empowering thoughts and emotions, you will raise your energy and attract more positive experiences. To master your energy, start by becoming more aware of your inner dialogue and emotional patterns. Observe how you talk to yourself, how you react to others and situations, and how you feel in your body. Then, try to shift your focus to what you want rather than what you don't want, and choose thoughts and emotions that make you feel good.

Connect with nature
Nature has a powerful energy that can harmonize your own energy and inspire your soul. When you spend time in nature, you absorb its natural rhythms, colors, and frequencies, which can help you release tension, stress, and negativity. Whether you take a walk in the park, sit by a river, or gaze at the stars, make it a habit to connect with nature on a regular basis. You can also bring nature into your home or workspace by using essential oils, plants, crystals, or natural materials that resonate with your energy.

Move your body
Movement is another great way to master your energy and release blockages. When you move your body, you generate new energy and circulation, which can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. You don't have to do strenuous exercises or spend hours at the gym to benefit from movement. Simply find activities that you enjoy and that make you feel alive, such as dancing, walking, or stretching. Also, remember to breathe deeply and consciously while you move, as oxygen is a vital fuel for your energy.

Practice self-care
Self-care is essential to master your energy, as it allows you to nurture your whole being and recharge your batteries. As a busy mom, you may find it challenging to prioritize yourself, but self-care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. It can be as simple as taking a hot bath, reading a book, listening to music, or savoring a healthy meal. The key is to make self-care a regular part of your routine, and to listen to your body's needs and signals.

Seek support and guidance
Finally, don't hesitate to seek support and guidance when you need it. Whether it's from a friend, a coach, a therapist, or a healer, having someone who understands and supports you can be a game-changer in mastering your energy. You don't have to do it all alone, and there is no shame in asking for help. In fact, it takes courage and wisdom to acknowledge your challenges and to seek solutions.

Mastering your energy or frequency is not a one-time event, but a lifelong journey of growth, awareness, and self-discovery. By applying these practical tips and insights, you can start to shift your energy towards more joy, health, and abundance, and overcome your weekly migraines. Remember to be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself, and to celebrate every small step towards your desired energy state. You are a powerful and beautiful being, and you deserve to live the life you want.

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Why We Need to Take Control of Our Finances for Better Health

Why We Need to Take Control of Our Finances for Better Health
As a stay-at-home mom, taking care of your family is no easy feat. It’s a 24/7 job that can take a toll on your health, especially if you struggle with weekly, debilitating migraines. The reality is, many of us are not just dealing with the demands of family, but also the added stress of financial insecurity. The book "First Steps to Wealth" by Dani Johnson sheds light on how we may have been set up to fail financially, and how this affects our health. In this blog post, we’ll explore why taking control of our finances is crucial for our overall well-being.

Let’s start by acknowledging the financial realities that many of us face. The average American household has credit card debt of over $8,000, while the median household income is just over $68,000. Additionally, the cost of healthcare and education continues to rise, making it difficult to keep up with expenses. These financial pressures can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can contribute to physical and mental health problems.

One of the key issues highlighted in "First Steps to Wealth" is the idea that our financial struggles may not necessarily be our fault. We’re bombarded with messages from banks, credit card companies, and advertisers telling us to spend money on things we don’t actually need. It’s easy to fall into the trap of living beyond our means when we’re constantly told that material possessions are the key to happiness.

Another factor that contributes to our financial struggles is a lack of education about money management. Most of us have never been taught how to create a budget, manage our finances, or invest our money wisely. The good news is that it’s never too late to learn. By investing the time and effort to educate ourselves about finances, we can take control of our financial futures and reduce our stress levels.

So, what are some practical steps we can take to improve our financial and overall health? The first step is to create a budget. This may seem daunting, but it’s essential for understanding how much money is coming in and going out each month. Once you have a clear picture of your finances, you can identify areas where you may be overspending and make adjustments accordingly.

Another important step is to prioritize saving. Whether it’s setting aside money for emergencies, retirement, or a future expense, saving money is key to reducing financial stress. Even setting aside a small amount of money each month can add up over time and give you a sense of security and control.

Investing in your education about finances is also crucial. There are many resources available online, at your local library, or through financial advisors that can help you learn how to manage your money and invest wisely. By taking the time to educate yourself, you’ll be more confident in making financial decisions and creating a plan for your financial future.

As a stay-at-home mom with weekly migraines, the last thing you need is the added stress of financial insecurity. "First Steps to Wealth" highlights how we may have been set up to fail financially and how this impacts our health. By taking control of our finances, creating a budget, prioritizing saving, and investing in our financial education, we can improve our overall health and well-being. Remember, it’s never too late to take the first steps toward a brighter financial future.

Would you like to dive a little deeper into topics like this?  Join an encouraging Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated!  Click Here

The Power of Words: How They Affect Our Health

The Power of Words: How They Affect Our Health

The words we speak and the way we think can greatly impact our reality. Whether you believe it or not, the words you use can affect your health, both positively and negatively. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the concept of conscious language and how it can help improve your mental and physical well-being. It’s time to take a closer look at the power of words and the impact they can have on our lives.

The Link Between Words and Reality:
The way we process words and language has direct effects on our reality. Whether it be positive or negative, the way we think and speak can ultimately define our destiny. For example, if you constantly say that you’re never going to be able to do something, the chances are that you’re only setting yourself up for failure. The power of our thoughts can help us achieve anything we want, but we need to remind ourselves consistently. In the context of health and well-being, mindful language can promote positive change in our lives.

Conscious Language:
Conscious language is defined as being aware of the words we use and how they impact our lives. Dr. Robert Tennyson Stevens emphasises the importance of mindfulness and being conscious of the words we use while leading our daily lives. When you focus on negative language such as “I’m always sick,” phrases like “I can’t” and “I never have the time” these feelings can quickly become your reality. Instead, Stevens encourages the use of positive and affirmative language. "I am feeling better today" or "I have the strength to take better care of myself," for instance, can quickly transform the overall health of our minds and body.

Stress Can Manifest From Within:
When we think and speak negatively, we create mental and physical distress in our bodies. The use of negative language impacts our physiology, ultimately leading to the creation of stress hormones in the body. In addition, consistent use of negative language can lead to low self-esteem, exhaustion, and even illness. Positive language can have the opposite effect, healing the mind and body of internal stressors.

Words and Health:
Our body has an innate ability to heal itself, given the right environment. Positive language creates a nurturing environment, whilst negative language can be detrimental. Treating yourself to affirmations, mediation and replacing negative thoughts with positive one’s can help your body heal from within. With consistent practice, we can empower ourselves to realign with our highest potential as powerful, loving beings.

Using Words for Good:
Our thoughts, emotions and language have the power to create a ripple effect not only in ourselves but in the world around us. Making positive and conscious efforts through our language can help heal and to empower our health and our world as a whole. Small steps such as “have a good day!” or “I believe in you” can make all the difference in someone’s life, and in turn improve our own reality as well.

In the end, our choice of words plays a greater role in our lives and health than we might think. The power of language has been proven to shape our reality, thus affecting our overall well-being. Recognising the impact of our words and being conscious of our language can be the foundation for a brighter, healthier and more fulfilling life. Remember that words can have a ripple effect and that yours have the power to make the world a better place. Let’s start using our words to heal, empower, and make the world a happier place.

Would you like to dive a little deeper into topics like this?  Join an encouraging Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated!  Click Here

Overstepping Boundaries: 3 Examples and How to Correct Them

Overstepping Boundaries: 3 Examples and How to Correct Them
Setting boundaries is an essential part of a healthy and happy life. Unfortunately, many people struggle with overstepping the boundaries of others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Overstepping boundaries can damage relationships, cause hurt feelings, and create unnecessary tension. If you're constantly feeling annoyed, drained or resentful, it may be time to re-examine your boundaries.

In this blog post, we'll be discussing three examples of overstepping boundaries, and how you can go about correcting that behavior. We've taken inspiration from the book "Co-dependent No More" by Melody Beattie, a respected author in the field of addiction and recovery.

Over-involvement in other people's lives
One of the most common ways people overstep boundaries is by over-involvement in other people's lives. It's important to remember that everyone has their own path to follow, and sometimes the best thing we can do is to offer support without trying to control the outcome.

If you find yourself constantly offering unsolicited advice or taking charge of other people's problems, it may be time to take a step back. Ask yourself whether your actions are truly helpful or whether they're driven by a need to control. If it's the latter, work on developing healthy boundaries around your own life.

Ignoring Other People's Feelings
Sometimes overstepping boundaries can occur when we ignore other people's feelings. For instance, making sarcastic comments or teasing someone constantly can be harmful, even if you intend it as a joke. Another example could be offering unsolicited criticism or feedback without taking into account the other person's feelings or perspective.

If you catch yourself doing these things, take a moment to pause and consider the impact of your words or actions. Try to empathize with the other person's point of view and communicate your message in a more respectful and compassionate way.

Refusing to Acknowledge Boundaries
A more blatant example of overstepping boundaries is when someone refuses to acknowledge them altogether. This could involve showing up uninvited, taking certain liberties in a relationship, or disregarding someone's boundaries when it comes to physical touch or space.

If someone is consistently overstepping your boundaries, it's crucial to assert yourself and communicate your needs clearly. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and let the other person know how their behavior is impacting you. If they continue to disregard your boundaries, it may be necessary to reevaluate the relationship and make changes accordingly. 

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for protecting your own well-being and fostering positive relationships with others. It's natural to slip up occasionally, but by developing self-awareness and seeking to understand others' perspectives, you can correct problematic behavior and create healthier dynamics.

Remember, boundaries are not about controlling or restricting others but about creating a safe and respectful space for everyone. By putting in the effort to respect others' boundaries while asserting your own, you can foster trust, understanding, and deep and meaningful connections in your life.

Would you like to dive a little deeper into topics like this?  Join an encouraging Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated!  Click Here

Have We Been Set Up to Fail with Our Health? Exploring the Dark Side of the Healthcare Industry

Have We Been Set Up to Fail with Our Health? Exploring the Dark Side of the Healthcare Industry

We all want to live healthy lives, but it feels like everywhere we turn, something is working against us. From the fast-food chains to the pharmaceutical industry, we are constantly bombarded with messages and products that seem to be set up to make us sick. As someone who has suffered from debilitating migraines for years, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to feel like you're fighting an uphill battle against your own body. But have you ever stopped to wonder if we've been set up to fail from the start? Who benefits from our sickness, and why? Join me as we explore the dark side of the healthcare industry and unravel some of the mysteries behind our broken system.

The first thing we need to explore is the role that big corporations play in our health. As consumers, we're constantly being bombarded with messages that tell us we need to buy more products in order to be healthy or beautiful. From skincare to supplements, we're made to believe that we can't achieve optimal health without the help of pricey products. However, it's important to note that these messages are often driven by greed rather than genuine concern for our wellbeing. After all, if everyone suddenly became perfectly healthy, the healthcare industry would cease to exist as we know it today.

Secondly, we need to talk about the role that the food industry plays in our health. We all know that fast and processed foods are high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, but did you know that these foods are often deliberately engineered to be addictive? The food industry knows that if they can create products that we crave and can't resist, we'll keep coming back for more, even if we know it's bad for us. When you add in the fact that fast food is often cheaper and more accessible than healthy food options, it's no wonder that we're struggling to keep our health on track.

Thirdly, we need to discuss the role of the pharmaceutical industry. While medicine can help us manage our symptoms and conditions, it's important to stop and think about the fact that the healthcare industry profits from sickness. Paying for expensive treatments and medication only serves to keep the industry afloat, and there's little incentive for them to encourage preventative measures or holistic solutions. In fact, many people have found relief from their ailments through natural remedies and lifestyle changes, but these options are often dismissed in favor of more expensive and profitable options.

Fourthly, we need to talk about the role of genetics and the medical industry's obsession with labeling conditions as "genetic." While there are certainly some conditions that have a genetic component, it's also true that our environment, diet, stress levels, and other lifestyle factors can greatly impact our health. By dismissing these factors in favor of a blanket genetic label, we're missing out on valuable opportunities to address our health holistically.

So, have we been set up to fail with our health? In some ways, the answer is yes. The healthcare industry benefits greatly from our sickness, and they have a vested interest in keeping us reliant on their products and services. However, it's also true that we have more power than we realize when it comes to our own health. By educating ourselves and making lifestyle changes that prioritize our wellbeing, we can take ownership of our health and stop playing into the hands of a broken system. As for me, I'm taking a holistic approach to managing migraines, incorporating natural remedies and stress-management techniques into my life. It's not always easy, but I believe that it's the best way to honor my body and live a healthy life.

Oh, by the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 with a holistic approach.  Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start?  There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!!  All you need is the vitamins and minerals that do all the work.  Shoot me a message and I'll send you the details and get you in!

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