When the Bible says “the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7), it’s not just talking about money. According to a survey conducted by MagnifyMoney in 2018, only one in five Americans are debt-free. That means four out of five people are struggling with some form of debt—whether that be student loan debt, credit card debt, or medical debt. And for those who are carrying this burden, it can often lead to chronic health issues, like migraines and other illnesses.
How Debt Affects Health
A recent study from Northwestern Medicine discovered that individuals with higher levels of credit card debt experienced more physical health problems than those without any debt. The study revealed that people who had $8,000 or more in credit card debt were twice as likely to report chronic headaches and migraines as those with no credit card debt at all. Additionally, they were three times more likely to suffer from depression and other mood disorders.
This isn’t news to some experts in the field of natural health care. Many believe that there is a direct correlation between our mental and physical wellbeing—so it stands to reason that stress caused by financial woes carries over into our physical state of being as well. In fact, studies have linked high levels of stress hormones (like cortisol) with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke.
The Role Of Stress Management
Of course, money worries aren’t the only factor when it comes to chronic illness; however, they may play a role in how we cope with symptoms and manage stress levels associated with them. Learning how to effectively manage stress through self-care techniques like yoga or meditation can be beneficial for many people suffering from chronic conditions like migraines or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition to helping you manage stress better, these activities can also help reduce tension on your body which can lead to fewer pain flare-ups overall.
Debt can be detrimental for our overall wellbeing—not just financially but physically too! While having no debts may not be achievable for everyone right away due to circumstances beyond their control, taking steps towards reducing financial strain through budgeting and making strategic decisions about how we spend our money can help us become healthier both mentally and physically in the long run. If you find yourself struggling with chronic illness such as migraines or IBS while dealing with high levels of financial stress at the same time, consider seeking professional help so you can get back on track towards better health!
By the way, I used to experience 16 to 24 debilitating migraine days a month and now have less than 1-1/2 days by decreasing inflammation and working with my husband to pay off debt. Does that sound overwhelming...like how do I do that? There is an 11 Day Jumpstart next month that will walk you through exactly how to decrease inflammation step by step. Click Here for details and leave a comment if you want in!
And if you're looking to pay off debt and improve your health, please join us in our encouraging and supportive Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated! Click Here

Have you heard about lymphatic drainage? You know, that magical massage-like technique that can help reduce inflammation and belly fat? If not, don't worry – I'm here to tell you all about it! I've seen firsthand just how powerful lymphatic drainage can be. Let me explain why.
What Is Lymphatic Drainage?
Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage therapy used to help your body's lymphatic system function properly. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins from the body, helping it stay healthy and balanced. When this system becomes blocked or congested with toxins due to poor diet or lifestyle choices, it can lead to a buildup of fat in certain areas of the body, as well as inflammation and other uncomfortable physical symptoms. That's where lymphatic drainage comes in – it helps your body flush out these toxins so that you can start feeling better again!
Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage
The primary benefit of lymphatic drainage is that it helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the body, especially in areas like the abdomen or legs where swelling is common. In addition to reducing inflammation, lymph drainage also helps reduce belly fat by stimulating the metabolism and improving digestion. This means that when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet plan, lymph drainage can help you lose those extra pounds around your midsection faster than ever before!
Finally, one more benefit of this treatment is that it boosts your immune system by flushing out toxins from your body. This keeps you healthy and makes sure that any illnesses or infections are dealt with quickly and effectively. Plus, you'll have more energy throughout the day thanks to improved circulation!
Lymphatic drainage can be an incredibly effective way to reduce belly fat and decrease inflammation. Not only does it help flush out toxins from the body so you can stay healthy but it also improves circulation and digestion which helps boost your metabolism so you can shed those extra pounds even faster! So if you're looking for an all-natural way to get rid of stubborn belly fat or decrease inflammation in your body, give lymphatic drainage a try – I promise you won't regret it!
By the way, I used to experience 16 to 24 debilitating migraine days a month and now have less than 1-1/2 days by decreasing inflammation. Does decreasing inflammation sound overwhelming...like how do I do that? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month (all you need is one supplement) that will walk you through exactly how step by step. Click Here for details and leave a comment if you want in!

Have you ever heard the expression, “Evil hates music”? I remember the first time I heard it, I thought to myself, “That’s an interesting statement. But is it true? And if so, how does music affect our vibration?” As a natural health consultant and someone who suffers from weekly debilitating migraines with four kids and a busy family life, I wanted to dig deeper into this topic to see what I could learn.
Research has shown that listening to music can have a profound effect on your mood and feelings. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), music has been used as a therapeutic tool for centuries because of its ability to evoke positive emotions and change our brain chemistry. Music can reduce anxiety, improve mood, boost creativity, increase productivity, and help people connect with others in meaningful ways.
When it comes to raising your vibration through music, there are two main types of sounds you should be aware of—binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies. Binaural beats are auditory illusions created when two tones of different frequencies are played at the same time in each ear. This creates a pulsing sound that induces changes in brain waves patterns associated with relaxation or alertness. Solfeggio frequencies are ancient healing tones that use specific sound frequencies to promote balance in mind and body. These tones are believed to influence human emotions by stimulating brainwave activity in certain frequency ranges associated with specific states of consciousness such as deep meditation or relaxation.
It's important to note that not all music is created equal when it comes to raising your vibration; some genres may do more harm than good by causing stress or dis-ease instead of helping you relax or become more mindful. For example, jazz might be soothing but heavy metal could cause anxiety due to its loudness and aggressive lyrics. Therefore, when choosing which type of music you want to listen to for this purpose, make sure it's something you find calming and uplifting at the same time.
Overall, research suggests that listening to certain types of music can indeed raise your vibration by reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation or mindfulness. It’s important to pay attention not only the type of genre but also its lyrics; choose something that resonates with you emotionally while also being calming enough not overwhelm your senses. With the right kind of musical accompaniment, you might just find yourself feeling happier and lighter than before! So go ahead—turn up those tunes! You might be surprised by how much better you feel after just one song!
By the way, to dive in deeper to topics like this, please join us in our encouraging and supportive Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated! Click Here

If you’ve ever had a migraine attack that has taken you out of commission for days on end, you know how much of a challenge it can be to identify the source. It takes detective work to find out if food or environmental factors are to blame. You may not have considered artificial colors as a potential cause — but maybe you should! Let's take an in-depth look at this possible connection between artificial colors and migraines.
What are Artificial Colors?
Artificial colors are synthetic chemicals derived from petroleum products. These chemicals are used to add color to processed foods and beverages, as well as cosmetics, drugs and other consumer products. The most commonly used artificial colors are yellow 5 (tartrazine), red 40 (allura red), yellow 6 (sunset yellow), blue 1 (brilliant blue) and blue 2 (indigotine). All of these have been shown to have adverse effects on health and can trigger migraines in some people.
How Do Artificial Colors Affect Health?
It is now widely accepted that artificial colors can act as triggers for migraines in many people. This is because these dyes contain certain compounds such as salicylates, tyramines, phenylethylamines, glutamate, aspartame and sulfites which can cause severe reactions in sensitive individuals. In addition, some studies suggest that artificial colors can affect brain chemistry by disrupting neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine which can lead to headaches and migraines.
Are There Natural Alternatives?
The good news is that there are natural alternatives available that don’t contain any of the potentially harmful compounds found in artificial colors. Plant-based pigments such as carotenoids from carrots or annatto seeds, chlorophylls from spinach or spirulina, and anthocyanins from purple cabbage or elderberries make great replacements for artificial dyes in many recipes. Not only do they give foods beautiful natural hues without any adverse effects — they also provide essential vitamins and minerals!
If your weekly debilitating migraines could be caused by dietary triggers like artificial colors, then considering natural alternatives could help significantly reduce the frequency or severity of your attacks. That being said, it's important to note that everyone's body is unique so what works for one person might not work for another. It's always best practice to investigate all possible causes before deciding on a treatment plan - so why not start by looking into whether artificial colorings could be contributing to your migraines? Good luck!
Oh, by the way, if you're ready to dive in even deeper to topics like this, please join us in our encouraging and supportive Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated! Click Here

Do you ever feel like your life is one big radio station and you’re the guinea pig? You may be experiencing migraines that seem to come out of nowhere, but there could be more at play than meets the eye. Let’s explore how frequencies your body is exposed to every day can affect your health, and why it’s important to know what frequencies are harmful.
Wireless connections are everywhere—from your cell phone, router and laptop at home, to the WiFi at work, school and public areas. All of these wireless networks produce electromagnetic frequency (EMF) waves that our bodies take in without us even realizing it; this radiation can have a huge impact on our health, particularly if we are sensitive to it.
We know that strong EMF exposure has been linked to an increase in cancer cases, but did you also know that certain frequencies can be responsible for headaches or even migraines? This is because EMF radiation can block nerve cells from communicating properly with each other and disrupts the way our brains function. This disruption can cause pain or even stress-like symptoms when we least expect them.
The best way to protect yourself from this kind of radiation is by understanding how much EMF you’re exposed to on a daily basis and taking steps to limit your exposure where possible. Cell phones should be kept away from the head whenever possible (e.g., using headphones or speakerphone instead), as well as limiting your time spent using Wi-Fi networks in public places. Additionally, consider investing in EMF protection devices such as shields or filters which help reduce the amount of EMF radiation entering your body while using electronic devices.
Migraines can be incredibly debilitating; however, there may be more underlying causes than just stress or hormones. High frequency EMF radiation is all around us today and we take it into our bodies without knowing it; this radiation has been linked to an increase in headaches and migraines in some people who are particularly sensitive to it. Knowing what frequencies are harmful is an important step towards protecting ourselves against unnecessary pain and discomfort caused by electromagnetic fields in our everyday lives. Taking simple steps such as investing in shields/filters for electronics or keeping cell phones away from the head whenever possible can help significantly reduce one’s exposure levels and reduce their risk of developing chronic headaches or migraines caused by wireless connectivity.
Oh, by the way, if you are ready to dive in even deeper to topics like this, please join us in our encouraging and supportive Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated! Click Here