A Guide to Identifying and Understanding Migraine Warning Signs
Migraines can be incredibly debilitating, with symptoms ranging from nausea, dizziness, and light sensitivity to intense headaches. Although it can be difficult to predict when a migraine will strike, there are usually warning signs that occur before an attack. As the old adage goes, “forewarned is forearmed” – so let’s take a closer look at what these signs are so you can prepare yourself for the onslaught of a migraine. 

Mood Swings and Irritability 
Many people who suffer from migraines report feeling mood swings or irritability in the days leading up to an attack. This may manifest as feelings of being on edge or having your temper flare up more easily than usual. If you find yourself snapping at your family more than usual or feeling unusually emotional, this could be due to migraine-related hormones surging through your system. 

Fatigue and Sleep Issues 
If you’ve been suffering from fatigue or difficulty sleeping in the run-up to a migraine attack, this could also be an indication that you’re about to experience one of these headaches. Many migraine sufferers report struggling with insomnia two nights before an attack. It is thought that this might be because your body is trying to rest up before the storm hits! So if you’ve been feeling extra tired lately, pay close attention – it could mean that you need to get ready for a migraine episode coming soon. 
Food Cravings and Loss of Appetite 
Food cravings and appetite loss are both common indicators of pending migraines. Some people experience increased hunger while others find themselves losing their appetite altogether in the days leading up to a headache episode. If either of these sound like something that has been happening to you recently, it might be time to take extra precautionary measures against migraine attacks! 

Migraine episodes can have a serious impact on our lives – but by understanding the warning signs associated with them, we can better prepare ourselves for when they come on and help reduce their severity. Paying attention to sudden changes in mood or energy levels, fatigue issues, food cravings/loss of appetite can all help us recognize when we should expect an impending attack so we can adjust our lifestyle accordingly and hopefully minimize its effects. 

Oh, by the way, I used to experience 16 to 24 debilitating migraine days a month and now have less than 1-1/2 days by decreasing the inflammation in my body.  There is an 11 Day Jumpstart next month that will walk you through exactly how to do this step by step.  Click Here for details and leave a comment if you want into this free program! 


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