Welcome to my rant about migraines, brought to you by a past fellow sufferer. As someone who has experienced the wrath of migraines, I understand the frustration, pain, and fear that comes with them. But have you ever stopped and wondered if there are external factors contributing to your migraine attacks? Spoiler alert: there are. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of migraine-inducing chemicals and how to avoid them.
The first culprit on our list is monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG. This flavor enhancer can be found in fast food, canned goods, processed meats, and snack foods. Studies have shown that MSG can trigger migraines in some people, especially those who are sensitive to it. The good news is that there are plenty of MSG-free alternatives out there, and you can always ask restaurants and food manufacturers about their use of MSG.
Next up, we have nitrites and nitrates, which are commonly used as preservatives in cured meats like hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats. These chemicals can dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the brain, triggering migraines. Luckily, there are plenty of nitrite-free options available, such as organic meats or those labeled "no nitrites added."
Another sneaky culprit is aspartame, an artificial sweetener commonly found in diet sodas, sugar-free gums, and many processed foods. Aspartame can cause headaches and migraines in some people and can also worsen symptoms in those who are already prone to migraines. If you're a fan of the diet soda life, try switching to an alternative sweetener like stevia or monk fruit.
The fourth chemical trigger is alcohol, which can cause migraines in some people due to its vasodilating effects. Red wine is the biggest offender, but any type of alcohol can be a trigger. If you're a regular drinker and suffer from migraines, consider cutting back or eliminating alcohol from your diet. Your liver will thank you, too.
Lastly, we have scented products like perfumes, candles, and cleaning supplies. The fragrances used in these products can be migraine triggers for some people, especially those with scent sensitivities. If you think fragrances might be a trigger for you, try using unscented products instead.
Migraines are no joke, and they can seriously impact your quality of life. But by identifying and avoiding chemical triggers, you can take a step towards fewer and less severe attacks. Remember, you don't have to suffer in silence or resort to medication if you don't want to. As a past fellow suffer who has found relief, I believe in the power of prevention and taking control of your own health. So go forth and migraine-proof your life!
Oh, by the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!! All you need is the vitamins and minerals that do all the work. Shoot me a message and I'll send you the details and get you in!

If you've ever experienced a migraine attack, you know that it can be a living nightmare. Migraines can knock you out for hours, even days, and leave you feeling drained, irritable, and incapable of performing daily activities. It's the ultimate buzzkill, especially if you're a parent, and you have to attend to your daily responsibilities. But, how long does a migraine usually last? Is there anything you can do to alleviate the pain naturally? In this article, we'll explore these questions, among others, to help you understand migraines better.
First of all, let's define a migraine. A migraine is a type of headache that can cause moderate to severe pain and discomfort. The pain can be unilateral or bilateral, and it's often accompanied by other symptoms such as sensitivity to light, sound, and smell, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but scientists believe that environmental factors and imbalances in brain chemicals are to blame. In terms of duration, a typical migraine attack can last anywhere between 4 and 72 hours, depending on its severity, frequency, and trigger.
Now, let's talk about the different phases of a migraine attack. A migraine attack usually has four phases: prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome. The prodrome phase occurs before the actual migraine attack and can last for hours or even days. During this phase, you might experience mood swings, fatigue, food cravings, and irritability. The aura phase, which not everyone experiences, can last up to an hour and is characterized by visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, and speech problems. The attack phase is the most intense and can last for hours or days, depending on the individual. Finally, the postdrome phase occurs after the migraine has subsided and can last up to 24 hours. During this phase, you might feel drained, achy, and irritable.
Now that you know more about the causes and phases of migraines let's discuss some natural strategies that can help alleviate migraine symptoms. Firstly, practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation or deep breathing. Secondly, check your diet and make sure you're not consuming trigger foods such as caffeine, processed meats, aged cheeses, and alcohol. Thirdly, try essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus oil, which can help reduce inflammation and promote relaxation. Fourthly, apply heat or cold therapy to your head and neck, whichever works best for you. Lastly, try natural supplements like magnesium, riboflavin, and CoQ10, which can help stabilize brain chemicals and reduce inflammation.
In conclusion, migraines are a common, yet debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The duration of a migraine can vary from person to person and can last anywhere between 4 and 72 hours. By understanding the different phases of a migraine attack, you can learn to manage your symptoms effectively. Adopt a natural, holistic strategy to deal with migraines and resist taking prescription pills. If you're struggling with migraines regularly, please consult with a professional to determine the best course of action.
I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!! All you need is the vitamins and minerals that do all the work. Shoot me a message and I'll send you the details and get you in!

As men and women, we are essentially made up of energy. Everything around us is energy - from the food we eat to the emotions we feel. And the frequency at which that energy vibrates can have a big impact on our health and wellbeing. As someone who has struggled with debilitating headaches for years, I've learned first-hand how important it is to raise my own vibration to promote healing in my body. In this post, I'll share some of my favorite tips and tricks for raising your own frequency to improve your health and happiness.
Start with your diet. The food we eat has a huge impact on our energy levels - both physical and emotional. If you're constantly eating junk food and processed snacks, your body is going to be struggling to maintain a high vibration. Instead, focus on eating whole, nourishing foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. Think lots of fresh produce, whole grains, and lean proteins. And don't forget to hydrate with plenty of water and herbal teas!
Embrace mindfulness. Bringing mindfulness into your daily routine can be a game changer when it comes to raising your vibration. Whether you prefer meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few deep breaths throughout the day, setting aside time to connect with your inner self can help you tap into a higher frequency. Personally, I love incorporating affirmations into my morning routine to set the tone for the day ahead.
Get moving. Exercise is another great way to boost your energy levels and improve your overall vibe. Even something as simple as a brisk walk around the block can get your blood flowing and release some of the tension that's been weighing you down. Bonus points if you can find a form of movement that you truly enjoy - that way it won't feel like a chore!
Surround yourself with positivity. We all know that person who seems to bring everyone down with their negativity - and unfortunately, spending time with them can have a serious impact on our own energy levels. Make a point to seek out relationships that leave you feeling uplifted and inspired, and cut ties with those that bring you down. And don't forget to find joy in the little things - whether that means surrounding yourself with your favorite plants, indulging in a warm bath, or cuddling with your fur baby.
Connect with nature. Finally, getting outside and basking in the beauty of the natural world can be a powerful way to raise your vibration. Take a hike, go for a swim, or simply spend some time sitting under a tree and listening to the birds. There's something about connecting with the earth that can help us tap into a sense of deep peace and connectedness that is essential for a healthy, high-vibe life.
At the end of the day, raising your vibration isn't just about feeling good in the moment - it's about empowering yourself to live your healthiest, happiest life. By focusing on nourishing your body with wholesome foods, finding joy in the little things, and cultivating a sense of mindfulness and connection, you'll be well on your way to tapping into a higher, more sustainable frequency. And if you're like me and have struggled with chronic health issues, you might just find that raising your vibration is the missing piece of the puzzle you've been searching for. So go forth, give it a try, and see how high you can soar!
I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 by increasing my frequency. Does this seem overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!! All you need is the supplement that does the work. Comment on this blog, and I'll send you the details and get you in!

Ah, migraines! They can ruin your day, plans and most importantly, your life! As a consultant in natural health, I have encountered numerous people with debilitating migraines, including a 41-year-old stay-at-home mom with four kids, who had to tough it out every week.
Imagine living in fear of the next episode and never knowing when the next one will come. It's not just the pain but the symptoms that come with it - nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and even vision problems. I come bearing good news. A proper diet can prevent migraines! So, read on to find out the best diet plan to prevent migraines.
The first step to any journey is self-awareness. Start by keeping a food diary, recording what you eat and how it makes you feel. Identify possible triggers and eliminate them or reduce their intake. Common triggers include, but are not limited to, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, chocolate, aged cheese, and processed meats.
Countless research has proven that a well-balanced diet, rich in whole foods and low in processed foods, can help manage and prevent migraines. Incorporate healthy fats like those found in nuts, avocado, and salmon. A study conducted in 2016 showed that consuming a high-fat, low-carb diet, known as a paleo diet, could reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.
Water is the elixir of life! It's essential to stay hydrated, especially when dealing with migraines. Dehydration can exacerbate the symptoms and cause more discomfort. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can also incorporate hydrating foods like cucumber, watermelon, and strawberries into your diet.
Spices like ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent migraines. A study in 2014 showed that consuming ginger powder reduced the intensity and duration of migraines. Incorporate these spices into your meals to enjoy their benefits.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for our bodies to function properly. Magnesium, for example, is known to relax muscles and reduce headaches. Dark leafy greens, almonds, and avocado are some of the foods rich in magnesium. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin, found in dairy, eggs, and leafy greens, can help prevent migraines.
In conclusion, a well-planned diet can be a game-changer in your battle against migraines. It's all about recognizing your triggers and incorporating whole foods that are rich in essential nutrients. You may not see results instantly, but over time, you will notice a decrease in frequency and intensity. Remember to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and incorporate regular exercise into your routine.
I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 by changing my diet. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!! All you need is the vitamins and minerals that do all the work. Comment on this blog, and I'll send you the details and get you in!

Ah, the dread of the migraine hangover - the feeling that sticks around even after the pain subsides. For someone who's never experienced a migraine, it might seem like it's just a headache, but for those who suffer from it, they know it's nothing less than a nightmare. The throbbing pain, nausea, light sensitivity, and dizziness, all leave you feeling drained and exhausted. Thankfully, there are ways to ease the symptoms of a migraine hangover, and help you get back on your feet.
Rehydrate Yourself with Electrolytes
Dehydration is one of the common triggers for migraines, and during a migraine attack, your body loses a lot of fluids. So, to get over the migraine hangover, you need to replenish those fluids, and water isn't just enough. Opt for an electrolyte-rich drink like coconut water or even plain water with a pinch of salt to help your body restore its balance.
Practice Gentle Exercises
While an intense workout might not be the best idea during a migraine hangover, some gentle exercises like yoga, walking, or stretching can help alleviate the symptoms. These low-impact exercises can promote blood flow and reduce muscle tension, which can help relieve pain and promote relaxation.
Try Essential Oils
Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus have been known to ease migraine symptoms. Massage a few drops of these oils onto your temples, neck, and shoulders, or simply inhale them directly from the bottle. Aromatherapy can help relax your mind and reduce stress levels, which can help soothe migraine pain.
Get Plenty of Rest
During a migraine attack, your brain works overtime to deal with the pain, and as a result, you feel exhausted even after it's over. So, to recover from a migraine hangover, make sure you get plenty of rest. A warm bath, relaxing music, or even reading can help you unwind and fall into a restful state.
Migraine hangovers can be debilitating, but with the right remedies, you can ease the symptoms and recover faster. Rehydrate with electrolytes, practice gentle exercises, use essential oils, get plenty of rest, and consider natural remedies to soothe the pain. Don't let migraines hold you back from living your life fully, take control of your health, and give yourself grace. Remember, you're not alone in this.
I've gone from 16 to 24 debilitating and skull-crushing migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started with a side benefit of weight loss averaging 7 to 12 pounds...I mean win, win!! All you need is the vitamins and minerals that do all the work. Comment on this blog, and I'll send you the details and get you in!