Many of us know the feeling of being crippled by a migraine. We’ve accepted it as an annoying and sometimes painful part of life. But what if we took a step back and looked at migraines from a different perspective? What if, instead of just accepting that migraines are a part of life, we looked at them as a trauma response? And then, with that understanding, how can we give ourselves grace for having these experiences? Let’s dive into this topic to find out.
Migraines as Trauma Response
When we think about trauma responses, the first thing that comes to mind is often post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But there are other types of trauma responses too—one being migraines. In fact, many people who suffer from chronic migraines have been found to have underlying traumas in their past. A study conducted in 2013 found that among those with chronic migraine headaches, 63% reported experiencing at least one traumatic event in their lives. It was also found that those who experienced more than one traumatic event were more likely to suffer from frequent or severe headaches.
These findings suggest that migraines can be directly linked to experiences of trauma or emotional distress. That makes sense when you consider the fact that physical pain can be a symptom of psychological distress—the body’s way of trying to cope with emotional stressors. So if you suffer from frequent or intense migraine headaches, it may be helpful for you to explore any possible emotional traumas in your past so you can address them directly and start healing emotionally as well as physically.
Giving Yourself Grace
It can be difficult to confront our emotional traumas head on—especially when it involves pain or discomfort on our bodies! That’s why it’s important to practice self-compassion during this process and give yourself grace for having experienced such difficulties in your life. It might help to turn towards Scripture for guidance here; Galatians 6:2 says “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." This means that we should never let ourselves feel ashamed or embarrassed by our struggles but rather seek support from our community so they can lift us up and carry us through tough times like these. Remember: no matter what challenges come your way, God is always there ready to pick you up again and help you move forward with grace and strength! So don't forget: when life throws curveballs your way – ask for help and give yourself grace!
Migraine headaches are often seen as just an annoyance or something people must endure every once in awhile—but they could actually be linked to underlying traumas from our pasts too! Recognizing this connection between migraines and emotional distress is key for finding relief from these headaches going forward—and giving ourselves grace is essential too! By leaning on Scripture and seeking support from friends, family members, therapists, counselors—or anyone else who can lend an ear—we can learn how to cope with our struggles while still finding moments of joy throughout our days. Remembering this will help us stay strong even during the toughest times – now go out there and give yourself some grace!

The Bible famously declares, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” But in order to do that well, you must be able to love yourself first. Setting boundaries can help you do just that. It’s a skill that takes practice and patience, but it can also be the key to decreasing your migraines. Let’s take a look at what establishing boundaries is all about, how it might help reduce your migraine symptoms, and some tips on getting started.
What Does Establishing Boundaries Mean?
Setting boundaries means taking care of yourself by standing up for what matters to you and saying no when needed. It also involves recognizing when you need more space or time away from people and situations that become too overwhelming or stressful. This can include everything from learning how to say no without feeling guilty to making time for yourself each day when needed.
Why Establishing Boundaries Can Help Reduce Migraines
Migraines are often caused by stress, and one of the best ways to reduce stress is by setting healthy boundaries in your life. When you start practicing this skill, it will help reduce your cortisol levels (the hormone released during periods of stress) which can lead to fewer migraines. It will also give you more control over the demands placed on your time, allowing you to better manage your own energy so that you don’t become overwhelmed and stressed out too easily.
Tips for Getting Started With Establishing Boundaries
The first step is recognizing when it’s time for a boundary or break from something or someone. Then practice using assertive language when making requests or expressing needs—this will help others understand where you stand while still showing respect for their needs as well. Finally, make sure that you give yourself permission to say no without guilt—other people may not always agree with your decisions but that doesn't mean they have the right to make you feel bad about them!
Establishing healthy boundaries is an important skill that can significantly impact our lives both mentally and physically; particularly those who suffer from migraines due to high levels of stress in their lives. By taking the time to learn how to set appropriate limits in different areas of our lives we can begin reducing our migraine symptoms while also increasing our self-love and self-care! So if you're ready for a change, start setting those boundaries today!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation and setting boundaries to decrease stress. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment here, and I'll get you in!

If you’ve ever gone out to a restaurant and had a seemingly harmless meal, only to be greeted by an excruciating migraine hours later, you may be wondering if it is something in the food that caused your debilitating pain. That something might be monosodium glutamate, otherwise known as MSG. Let’s take a closer look at why MSG could be the cause of your headaches and how to avoid it.
What is MSG and What Does it Do?
MSG is a flavor enhancer that has been used in foods for years. It is most commonly found in processed and packaged foods like chips, crackers, frozen dinners, salad dressings, and even soups. It can also be found in some Asian cuisines such as Chinese food. In small doses, there have been no reported adverse effects of consuming MSG; however, some people are sensitive to this additive and can experience negative reactions when they consume it.
How Do You Know If You’re Sensitive To MSG?
If you’re prone to headaches or migraines after eating certain meals or snacks then you may be sensitive to MSG. Symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, weakness, flushing of the face/neck/upper chest area are also common signs of an intolerance to this food additive. If these symptoms sound familiar then you may want to consider avoiding MSG altogether.
How Can You Avoid MSG?
The best way to avoid MSG is by reading labels on food packages before purchasing them at the store. Also check restaurant menus carefully before ordering to see if any dishes contain this ingredient; many restaurants specifically list items on their menu that contain added flavors or additives such as monosodium glutamate so patrons know beforehand what they are ordering. Additionally, look for “no-added-MSG” labeling on products or make sure that the product does not contain ingredients like hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), yeast extract, textured vegetable protein (TVP), autolyzed yeast extract or calcium caseinate which are all forms of added monosodium glutamate.
While many people have no problem consuming monosodium glutamate without any ill effects whatsoever; others might find themselves with severe headaches afterwards due to an intolerance for this food product. It's important to pay attention to your body and any reactions that occur after consuming certain foods in order to determine if you are one of those who cannot tolerate it well - so keep an eye out for those tell-tale signs! With careful label reading and menu selection strategies though you can easily identify which items contain added flavors or additives like monosodium glutamate so that you can avoid them in the future.
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation and becoming less susceptible to these triggers. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment here, and I'll get you in!

It’s the worst feeling in the world—a migraine. Your head throbs, your vision gets blurry, and you just want to curl up in bed and never come out. But what if I told you that there is a way to quickly cure a migraine? That’s right, in just a few easy steps you can be on your way to feeling better. As a natural health consultant and mother of four, I have learned the wisdom of biblical remedies combined with natural medicines and I am here to share it with you!
So let’s get started! Step one is to find some peace and quiet. When we are struggling through pain or discomfort, it can be extremely difficult to relax our mind. Find your zen space whether that’s lying down or meditating for 10 minutes—whatever works best for you. Once in this space, I like to recite bible verses from Psalms that bring me peace such as “He will not fear bad news; his heart is firm trusting in the Lord” - Psalm 112:7. This simple exercise helps clear my mind of the pain and gives me hope that I can make it through this migraine quickly.
Next step is getting rid of inflammation which causes migraines by applying cold compresses or taking natural anti-inflammatory supplements like golden tumeric or ginger tea (You can find these at any health food store). The goal here is to reduce inflammation so that the blood vessels around your brain are no longer constricted. In addition, drinking plenty of water helps reduce headaches and migraines because dehydration contributes greatly to them! Drinking enough water will also help flush out toxins from our bodies which can cause more severe migraines later on.
Lastly, using essential oils such as peppermint oil applied directly onto the temples have been known to reduce headache symptoms within minutes when used correctly! Additionally, diffusing lavender into the air while laying down has been known to help relax tense muscles around your neck which could be the source of your migraine pain. So don't forget about aromatherapy when trying to beat those pesky migraines!
Curing a migraine fast doesn't have to be complicated or involve medications with nasty side effects – all it takes is some peace and quiet combined with natural remedies such as essential oils or anti-inflammatory supplements like golden turmeric or ginger tea! So next time you feel that migraine coming on, try some of these tips before reaching for an Advil – You won't regret it! And remember - don't forget about biblical wisdom too - Psalm 112:7 brought me so much comfort every time I had a migraine attack! Good luck momma - You've got this!!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation along with alternative treatments. Does this still sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Message me for the info, and I'll get you in!

Migraine headaches can be a difficult and debilitating experience. They are often unpredictable and mysterious, and the underlying cause is not always clear. But if we take a biblical approach to understanding migraine headaches, we can gain some insight into their origin and explore some natural ways to help alleviate the symptoms.
What Causes Migraine Headaches?
At its core, a migraine headache is an expression of imbalance in the body. The Bible explains that “in all things there must be balance” (Ecclesiastes 7:14). This means that any physical disorder or illness is an indication of internal imbalance or disharmony in the body—including migraine headaches. When our bodies become unbalanced, it can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches or migraines.
So what kind of imbalances can cause a migraine? Medical researchers have identified a variety of potential causes for migraines, including nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, environmental toxins, stress levels, and more. In addition to these physical causes, research suggests that emotional factors may also play a role in triggering migraine attacks. These include feelings of anxiety or depression as well as unresolved emotions from past traumatic experiences.
How Can We Alleviate Migraines?
The first step in addressing any physical disorder is to identify and address any underlying imbalances in the body. For example, if you suffer from migraines due to nutritional deficiencies, then it makes sense to focus on improving your diet by eating more nutrient-dense foods or taking supplements if needed. If your hormones are out of balance then you should look into addressing this through natural remedies like herbs or essential oils. Similarly, if your migraines are caused by stress or unresolved emotions then you may benefit from talking with a counselor who can help you uncover any underlying issues that need attention and help you find strategies for managing stress better on an ongoing basis.
No matter what the specific cause of your migraines might be—whether it’s nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, environmental toxins, stress levels or something else—the key is to look for ways to restore balance within your body. By approaching migraine treatment from both a scientific and biblical perspective we can gain insight into the root cause of our condition and take appropriate action toward finding relief from the debilitating effects of chronic migraines once and for all!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation along with alternative treatments. Does this still sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment, and I'll get you in!