If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. One minute you're enjoying your day and the next you're lying in a dark room trying not to throw up. For some people, migraines are a occasional nuisance. But for others, they're a weekly occurrence. If you fall into the latter category, you might be wondering what's causing your migraines.
There are many potential triggers, but in this blog post, we're going to focus on preservatives. Many of the foods we eat contain preservatives, and for some people, these preservatives can trigger migraines. So without further ado, here are the top five preservatives that trigger migraines (according to a biblical natural health consultant).
MSG (monosodium glutamate)
MSG is a common food additive that's used to enhance flavor. It's found in everything from Chinese food to processed meats to salad dressings. While MSG is generally considered safe, some people are sensitive to it and it can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. If you suspect that MSG might be triggering your migraines, try avoiding foods that contain it and see if your migraine frequency decreases.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that's found in diet sodas, sugar-free gum and candy, and other low-calorie foods. Like MSG, aspartame is generally considered safe. However, some people are sensitive to it and it can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. If you think aspartame might be triggering your migraines, try avoiding foods that contain it and see if your migraine frequency decreases.
Nitrites and nitrates are food additives that are used to preserve processed meats like bacon, ham, and hot dogs. They're also found in some green vegetables like celery and spinach. Nitrites and nitrates can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. If you think they might be triggering your migraines, try avoiding processed meats and foods that contain them and see if your migraine frequency decreases.
Artificial colors
Artificial colors are added to food to make them more visually appealing. Unfortunately, they can also trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. If you think artificial colors might be triggering your migraines, try avoiding foods that contain them and see if your migraine frequency decreases.
Sulfites are food additives that are used to preserve dried fruits, wine, and beer. They can also trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. If you think sulfites might be triggering your migraines, try avoiding foods that contain them and see if your migraine frequency decreases.
There you have it! The top five preservatives that trigger migraines (according to a biblical natural health consultant). If you suffer from migraines, hopefully this information will help you identify potential triggers so you can avoid them in the future.
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation and becoming less susceptible to these triggers. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment here, and I'll get you in!

If you're a mom, you know that your life is full of demands. You are constantly being pulled in different directions by your kids, your husband, your job, and your social life. It can be difficult to say "no" when you're always being asked to do more. But what happens when you don't set boundaries?
A lack of boundaries can lead to a lot of problems. For one, you can quickly become overwhelmed and bogged down by all of the demands on your time. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and even physical problems like migraines or ulcers. Additionally, if you don't set boundaries, people will take advantage of you. They will assume that you're always available and that you don't have your own needs. This can lead to feelings of resentment and bitterness.
It's important to remember that you are not responsible for everyone else's happiness. You cannot please everyone all the time. Sooner or later, someone is going to be disappointed with you. That's okay! You need to put yourself first sometimes. Otherwise, you'll never be able to truly be there for the people who matter most to you.
Setting boundaries is an important part of taking care of yourself. If you don't set boundaries, you will quickly become overwhelmed and bogged down by all of the demands on your time. Additionally, people will take advantage of you if you don't set boundaries. They will assume that you're always available and that you don't have your own needs. Remember that you are not responsible for everyone else's happiness and that it's okay to put yourself first sometimes!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation and setting boundaries. Does this sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment, and I'll get you in!

I was having a conversation with a friend recently about the power of words. We were discussing how the words we speak can either build someone up or tear them down. And it got me thinking, if words can have that much power over someone else, what do they do to the person speaking them? Turns out, quite a bit actually.
The way you speak to yourself has a direct impact on your brain. The things you say (or think) create chemicals that either help or hurt your body. So, if you’re constantly putting yourself down, or speaking negatively about yourself, you’re actually causing physical damage to your body and brain. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can use the power of words for good by speaking life into yourself every day.
The Power of Words
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” And it’s true! The words we speak have the power to change our lives. Here’s how:
-Words spoken in anger release toxins like adrenaline and cortisol into our system which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, kind words spoken in love release feel-good chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin which have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
-Negative self-talk creates stress and anxiety which can lead to migraines, stomach problems, insomnia, and even depression. Positive self-talk reduces stress, boosts immunity, and helps us better cope with difficult situations.
-Speaking kindly to others improves relationships, creates goodwill, and builds bridges. Speaking harshly to others creates division, breaks down relationships, and erects barriers between people.
So what does all this mean for you? It means that the next time you find yourself about to say something negative about yourself or someone else, STOP! Take a deep breath and choose your words carefully because they have more power than you realize. Use your words wisely from now on and watch your life change for the better!
Would you like to dive a little deeper into this? Join an encouraging Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated! Click Here

It's a question asked by millions of migraine sufferers all over the world. Does chugging water really help with migraines? As a natural health consultant, I've heard this question more times than I can count. And as a fellow migraine sufferer, I know how desperate you can get when you have an attack and are searching for relief. So let's dive into this topic and find out if it really does work.
The Science Behind It
When it comes to migraines, the science behind drinking water is not clear-cut. Studies suggest that dehydration can be one of the triggers that set off a migraine, so it makes sense that drinking more water could potentially offer some relief. However, there is no evidence to suggest that chugging large amounts of water will help stop or prevent migraines in any way. Dehydration is only one potential trigger, so while drinking more water may help in some cases, it won't work for everyone.
Dealing With Migraine Symptoms
So if drinking more water isn't the answer, what is? Well, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to help manage your symptoms and reduce your risk of getting migraines in the first place. This includes eating a balanced diet full of nutrient-rich foods and avoiding processed or sugary foods; exercising regularly; getting enough sleep; managing stress levels; and limiting exposure to triggers like bright lights or loud noises. These lifestyle changes may not completely eliminate your migraines, but they can go a long way towards reducing their frequency and severity.
Alternative Remedies
In addition to making lifestyle changes, there are also many alternative remedies that may help provide relief from migraine symptoms. This includes taking herbal supplements such as feverfew or butterbur extract; practicing yoga or meditation; using aromatherapy oils such as lavender oil or peppermint oil; and trying acupuncture or acupressure massage therapy. While these methods may not work for everyone, they may be worth exploring if traditional methods don't seem to be helping you get relief from your migraines.
Chugging several bottles of water might seem like an appealing solution when you're dealing with a sudden onset of debilitating migraine pain—and while staying hydrated is certainly important—it won't necessarily help you get rid of the headache itself. The best way to manage your migraines is by making lifestyle adjustments such as eating a paleo diet, decreasing inflammation, and exercising regularly combined with alternative treatments like acupuncture and aromatherapy oils which may provide additional relief from the symptoms associated with migraine headaches. Ultimately though, it's up to you to experiment and figure out what works best for you in order to keep your headaches at bay!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation, eating a paleo diet, and alternative treatments. Does this still sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment, and I'll get you in!

If you’ve been struggling with headaches and migraines for what seems like an eternity, it may be time to take a closer look at your lymphatic system. That’s right—poor lymphatic drainage can cause headaches! Let’s dive into why and how poor lymphatic drainage can lead to headaches and what you can do about it.
What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and organs in the body that helps fight infection by carrying white blood cells throughout the body. It also plays an important role in draining fluids from around our cells, which helps keep us healthy. Here’s a fun fact: “lymph” comes from the Greek word for water! When things don’t work properly in this complex system, such as when there is poor lymphatic drainage, it can cause a variety of health issues—including headaches.
How Can Poor Lymphatic Drainage Lead to Headaches?
When we experience poor lymphatic drainage, fluid builds up around our cells instead of being drained away. This leads to inflammation and irritation which can manifest itself as pain or pressure in your head or neck area—or both! Poor lymphatic drainage can especially affect the areas behind your ears and along your jawline where many of our small nerves are located, leading to pain that feels like a headache.
What Can You Do About It?
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your lymphatic drainage if you suspect it might be causing your headaches. For starters, regular exercise is key; walking or swimming are great cardiovascular activities that help get things moving again in your body. Massage therapy is another excellent way to promote better circulation; it helps move stagnant fluid away from areas that may be causing pain or discomfort. And finally, make sure you are drinking enough water—at least eight glasses per day—to help flush toxins out of your system and keep things flowing smoothly through the entire body!
Poorly functioning lymph nodes can have serious consequences on one's overall health—including painful headaches and migraines! Fortunately, there are steps you can take today to improve your lymphatic drainage if this is indeed the root cause of your discomfort. Start by making exercise part of your daily routine, add some massage therapy into the mix for extra benefits, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. With these simple steps, you could soon be saying goodbye to those pesky headaches once and for all!
By the way, I've gone from 16 to 24 migraines days per month down to less than 1 by decreasing inflammation, eating a paleo diet, and alternative treatments. Does this still sound overwhelming - like how do I even start? There is a FREE 11 Day Jumpstart next month where it walks you through step by step and has easy to follow instructions to get you started (all you need is the vitamins and minerals that do the work). Click Here for details, leave a comment, and I'll get you in!