The 6 Main Reasons of Why You Woke Up with a Migraine This Morning
If you are reading this blog post, it is safe to say that you probably woke up this morning with a headache. And not just any headache, but a full-blown, throbbing migraine. You may be wondering why this happened and what, if anything, you can do about it. Fortunately, migraines are not always a mystery. Here are the six main reasons you may have woken up with a migraine this morning.

1. dehydration 
One of the most common causes of morning migraines is dehydration. When we sleep, our bodies naturally lose water through things like breathing and sweating. If we do not replenish that water when we wake up, it can lead to headaches and migraines. To avoid this, make sure to drink plenty of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. 

2. low blood sugar 
Another reason you may have woken up with a headache is low blood sugar. When we sleep, our bodies go for long periods of time without food. This can cause our blood sugar levels to drop, which can lead to headaches and migraines. To avoid this, make sure to eat something as soon as you wake up in the morning. 

3. stress 
 stress is another common trigger for migraines. If you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life, it may be causing your headaches. To reduce stress, try some relaxation techniques such as prayer or journaling. 

4. changes in sleep patterns 
If you have recently changed your sleep patterns, it may be causing your migraines. For example, if you have been sleeping more or less than usual, it can disrupt your body’s natural balance and lead to headaches. To avoid this, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible. 

5. caffeine withdrawal 
Caffeine is a common trigger for migraines. If you regularly drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, skipping them one day can lead to headaches and migraines. To avoid this, make sure to drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages regularly throughout the day or cut them out altogether. 

6. toxin overload
With toxins in everything around us from food, air fresheners, personal care products, and cleaning products, is it any wonder our bodies can't handle it?  To help detox, drink lemon water, enjoy weekly detox baths (with 2 cups each Epsom salts, peroxide, & baking soda), and start switching out cleaning products, personal care products, and air fresheners with non-toxic items. CLICK HERE for an easy button to get started. 

Waking up with a migraine can be a real pain (literally!). But fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to prevent it from happening again in the future. By understanding the 6 main reasons of why you woke up with a migraine today - dehydration , low blood sugar , stress , changes in sleep patterns , caffeine withdrawal, and toxin overload - you can take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. So next time you wake up with a throbbing headache, reach for some water and grab an apple instead of reaching for an Advil. Your body will thank you!

Would you like to dive in even deeper into this?  Join an encouraging Facebook community of moms who are going from Debilitated to Liberated!  Click Here


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